from $155.00

Original 12x18-inch figurative drawing and Limited-Edition canvases are now available.

KISS, intricately weaves the delicate dance of anticipation and desire, showcasing foreplay as the art of seduction in its purest form. Each stroke of the pencil is an ode to the tantalizing sensations that ignite between lovers in those intimate moments of teasing and anticipation.

It celebrates the exquisite tension that builds as each partner surrenders to the art of the tease, reveling in the anticipation of what is to come. The tease becomes not just a prelude but the highlight itself, heightening pleasure and deepening the intimate bond between lovers.

This artwork invites the viewer to immerse themselves in the sensual world of foreplay, where every touch, every whispered promise, is a testament to the intoxicating power of desire. KISS, reminds us that in the art of love, it is the journey of anticipation and connection that truly captivates the heart and soul of both partners.

Original Art delivery details: Arrives with a protective paper (and wrapping) for shipping purposes, in a flat box delivered via UPS or DHL internationally. Can be bought with a frame.

Giclee Canvas delivery details: Arrives finished with black paper backing and ready to hang with a sawtooth wall hook and bumpers to protect your wall from scuffs or scrapes.

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